Saturday, August 3, 2013

Japan Here I Come!

Sorry, this week's letter is going to be short.....
In 2 short days I'll be in Japan!! Ahhhh! It's so weird! It was the beginning of February when I first found out that I would be serving my mission in Japan. And now exactly 6 months later it's finally time for me to go! The time has just flown by so fast! I've now been in the MTC for 8 1/2 weeks and I am definitely ready to go. I don't know if I'm quite ready to speak Japanese, but we're all going a little crazy. Which is probably a good indication that we've been here too long. :) My Japanese is coming along, slowly but surely. It's still really hard and I still speak really slow, but I can teach pretty well and I can bear my testimony in Japanese. So I guess I'm doing ok. :)
My district has been so great these past 2 months! I really love them and I'm going to miss them a lot. Two of the girls will be in Sapporo with me, but the other 9 are going to Sendai, Japan so I won't get to see them again. We're already plainning to have reunions once we all get back from our missions. We have become like family (that's what happens when you spend every waking moment in a classroom with all these people). We have gotten to know each other so well. They are so strong in their testimonies and I can tell that they all have strong relationship with Christ and know who he is. They have been great examples to me of acting like the Savior. They are so kind and geniune in all their unique ways. The next couple of days are going to be very emotional and hard, but I know that they will be such great missionaries. And they will have so much success in helping people come unto Christ.
This past week, I've been thinking a lot about our purpose as missionaries. Which is: to invite others to come unto Christ, by helping them recieve the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. I am so excited to go and serve the people of Japan and help those who do not yet know the Savior, come unto him.
Thank you to everyone who has written me! I'm so sorry if I don't write you back imediately because I only have an hour to email, but it makes me so happy to get your letters! Thanks so much!
Much love! Ai Shiteimasu!!
Morrison Shimai

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